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Muniick Brooklyn Utility Pole Set Version 1

Muniick Brooklyn Utility Pole Set
Muniick Brooklyn Utility Pole Set
1 Avis

*****Part of the Brooklyn Road Kit - See related items below for more items available from this set ***

12 Piece set.

8 Pole options. 5 have streetlights, 3 do not.
Street lights are set to turn on / off with parcel day/night settings. They can also be turned on/off on touch. You can also adjust these settings via menu (see nc included in pack).

4 Wire Lengths included

Sample softlinked setups are included to get you started. Setting up utility poles around a sim can be time consuming and frustrating, hopefully these softlinks can ease some of that.

** set also includes all poles with extenders attached in case you need super long poles for hilly areas **

1-3 LI each (long extended poles are 2-4LI)

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 12 Piece Set
  • 8 Pole options, some with Street Lights, some without
  • 4 Wire lengths incuded
  • Street lights on/off with parcel day/night settings (can be changed)
  • Sample setups included to get you started
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 15/9/2024 de Darki Nightwish

I seen the poles with lamps were marked no modify, but if you edit linked, you CAN still modify the light emitter and add a projector light texture to make them shine straight down, and it works beautifully. Exactly what I wanted. Thanks!

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 250

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Vendu par : Britt32 Beck

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Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 3