★★★ Nerenzo Rowboat - cuddle version ★★★
➀ copy ➀
➁ avsitter ➁
➂ 12 prims landimpact ➂
➃ 100% mesh ➃
➄ 71/41 HQ animations/poses ➄
➅ static/drivable by touch ➅
➆ wearable parasol (white/dark), fishing-rod, oars ➆
➇ rezzer "easel" for "more public aereas" ➇
➈ rezzer "rock" for homes ➈
The menu contains:
♣ Single ♣
♣ Row-M ♣
♣ Row-F ♣
♣ Cuddle 1♣
♣ Cuddle 2♣
♣ Cuddle 3 ♣
♣ Nerenzo Give ♣
This boat is drivable & static in one rowboat - you don't have to rezz one static and/or one drivable. Simply rez your boat and decide if you want to have it drivable or not. Take a seat, row wherever you want, click the frontseat and your boat will go static - generate your romantic scene where you want! Of course you can also play the animations while navigating - it's up to you!
If you don't want to have the boat rezzed at your sim simply rez one of the two rezzers (easel or rock) and save landimpact. Every boat which is rezzed and has no active avtar on it will derez automatically, you don't need to care about it!
Of course you can also set the rezzer to OWNER (and add special avatars like your girlfriend who will be able to rezz one too) - GROUP - PUBLIC
Check the pics and feel free to come to my store and take a look at the boat: you will find a special static version where you can test the animations and the normal rezz-version for navigating (10 min till the boat will kill itself - more shouldn't be necessary for testing purposes).
vic nerido
Nerenzo Design
- Rowboat static/drivable (physical/non physical)
- 71 animations/41 poses
- bento
- copy
- rezzer(s) included