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ONE- Onyx Shirt 001 ( SINGLE COLOR #2 )

ONE- Onyx Shirt 001 ( SINGLE COLOR #2 )
ONE- Onyx Shirt 001 ( SINGLE COLOR #2 )
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Thank you for your interest in ONE-Creations / Renegade ONE!

ONE-Creations / Renegade ONE RELEASED a new outfit!
You can mix and match them in the many different color options of your choice.

This item is 100% original rigged mesh specifically created to fit the following mesh bodies:
Belleza Jake,Legacy Athletic and Signature Gianni.

This T-shirt is tucked in the back of the pants only.
Also Available are the pants that matches the T-shirt. Illustrated on the picture.

* Both pants and T-shirt can be purchased as fatpacks at mainstore.
Single packs are available for purchase on Marketplace only.

Always try Demo first before purchase!.

Have a great day!.

Voir l'article dans Second Life

L$ 125

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Version démo
ONE-Creations (all Stores)
ONE-Creations (all Stores)
Vendu par : Dequan Warren

Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

Fonctionne avec les avatars Belleza Jake, Belleza, Legacy Athletic, Legacy, Signature Gianni, Signature, Signature
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