4 Seamless BarkDecidious
High quality textures for builds.
Dimensions: 512x512
Flopark BarkDecidious high quality, fully tilable bark textures of the "BarkDecidious ". Each in resolutions 512x512
Often the lower resolution is more than enough for a good quality of your tree and will save you a lot of loading time. The higher resoution is needed for more precise work or bigger objects where you don't want to tile too much.
This is the fatpack of Deciduous textures. If you just need a small selection then one of the other packs might be better for you.
If you have any problem with any item you purchase from me, please IM Erendo Erin _____________________________________
You can use these textures on your builds but you may not resell them or give them away as textures themselves. Kindly respect the effort and the time I have invested on creating each piece. Thank you.