G Général

*Kushi* Wicker Weave Seamless Texture Pack

*Kushi* Wicker Weave Seamless Texture Pack

Patchwork quilting of a heavy tapestry patched with silk patches in bold colours

The patterned and solid fabrics are also available as separate packs (combo represents 20% saving)

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Pack of Kushi textures for use within Second Life for all builds such as furniture, clothing, buildings and other objects.

Unique seamless textures with full permissions (please read license and copyright conditions before purchase or use)

Please contact Kushi Vyper for support and post a review if you like this product.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Seamless, Repeating, Tileable
  • Full Permission
  • High Resolution 1024 x 1024
  • 12 Texture files