G Général

Pazu's hanglider

Pazu's hanglider

This hanglider is modelled after the hanglider Pazu flies to go to the Castle in the Sky in Miyazaki's Laputa anime.
It can sit the pilot and two passengers. Just touch to sit.
To hide the poseballs just say "hide" in chat, and to show them, say "show" (without the " ").
To start flying, say "start" in chat, and to stop flying, say "stop" (without the " ").
Pretty easy heh?
The commands are the same as to fly an avatar : arrows for the directions and page up/page down to fly up or down.
The hanglider will make very smooth turns, bending on its wing.
The poseballs are set up for kid avatars around 10-12 years old and the adults avatars will sink in the bottom of the hanglider, but that can be easily fixed by editing the hanglider, choosing "edit linked parts" and move the poseball up until the avatar doesn't sink anymore.
If you have any problem, IM Myrtil Igaly.
Have fun!

27 prims
Copy/Modify/No Transfer
150 L$

If you would prefer different permissions (no copy/trans instead of copy/no trans), IM Myrtil Igaly.

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