A very cute set, a skirt and a top with volant on the left side.
The top is strapless and the skirt tube and short. There are 6 designs and 8 colors for the outside of the clothes and the same number for the inside. This gives you the possibility for many different combinations.
There are three different themes to choose from: tropical, Christmas and aminal print. The Fat pack includes all three themes at a great price.
Fitted mesh rigged items.
1 top, fitted mesh, copy in 5 standard and an extra M size
1 skirt, fitted mesh, copy, in 5 standard and an extra M size
1 texture HUD, copy (3 huds in demo and fat pack)
Alpha layers for the top, the skirt and combinations (including alpha for feet and hands) copy, modify, transfer.
>>>> DEMO item:
Get THIS DEMO first to wear and test for FITNESS
See how well the shape of clothing model design,
matches *YOUR* body shape.
Please do not buy if you dont feel happy with result, those rigged mesh clothes sadly cannot be adjusted later.
- New Rigged Mesh Design
- Total Photo-Realism as always :)
- Copy ! - Dont risk loosing it
- Amazing prices in ALL our models!
- QUALITY signed by by www.realprims.com
Thanks for demo....wonderful selection of materials/colours via hud
Sadly there was no demo for the top
and the skirt, I wasnt 100% happy with (the fit for Maitreya Lara body), but if the top was good fit I would have bought the outfit.
I found web page with LM's and visited the store....thinking a demo might be there but it referenced back to Marketplace, so I was out of luck.