This decorative piece is an ornate S with the word "Story" in the center of the letter.
It uses Materials, so if you have enabled ALM (Advanced Lighting Model) in your Graphics prefs, you'll be able to see light interacting with the carving in the interior of the letter. (The texture is baked on, so you'll still see it without ALM, it just won't be as nice.)
It's mod, so you can tint the wood a darker color, or make that center part (green in the image) any color you like! Instructions are included if you're not sure how to do that.
Just a pretty piece, to sit on a shelf and look nice, and possibly hold your books up! (At just 0.5 LI, it might even be "free" when linked to your books!)
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Decorative Bookend
- Tint the inside any color you like!
- Uses Materials, so it interacts with the light
- Cute and fun!
- 0.5 LI when linked with other objects