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Realistic fish tank

Realistic fish tank
Realistic fish tank
6 Avis

3 realistic temp rezzing fish
sound and light options
feed option fish really eat food
Highly realistic free swimming Technology

Setup Steps “please follow in this sequence”
1. Drag and drop the object in your inventory named “Main” onto your land. You will get 2 permission dialogs you must click yes to all of these.
2. Select the otter tank and rotate / position the fish tank to your liking
3. Click on the fish tank and click Setup.
4. The Setup is complete please remember once you click Setup the only way you can move the tank again is by ether selecting all of the parts and moving it or deleting it and starting again. Once you have clicked Setup it is finalized.

19 PRIMS total

And as always with my products if you need help just IM me. Hoohaa anaconda

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 3 realistic temp rezzing fish
  • sound and light options
  • feed option fish really eat food
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L$ 550

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


hoohaa Anaconda
hoohaa Anaconda

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Impact sur le terrain : 19