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Red Devil Tip Bear (Boxed)

Red Devil Tip Bear (Boxed)
Red Devil Tip Bear (Boxed)
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~Classic Phasinatin~
Stuff to make your second life a better place

Thank you for choosing Classic Phasinatin we hope you enjoy your product. We appreciate your business.

Devil tip bears are made with love and understanding. What better way to express your true self (ok, ok..a little overboard there, there is a little angel in everyone ;) )

* Keep 100% of your tips

* No hover text - nobody will be able to see how much was tipped or how much you have made.

* Dispenses evil halo and horns on touch- everyone is an devil, right? OF COURSE THEY ARE!!!... give your supporters something to remember you by.

* Personalization upon request- $10L - The tip jar script is modifiable. Here at Classic Phasinatin we understand that not everybody knows how to change a script, if you need assistance I am here to help.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Keep 100% of your tips
  • No hover text
  • Dispenses evil halo & horns on touch
  • No modify (except the tip jar script)

L$ 50

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Work Of Art Creations
Work Of Art Creations
Vendu par : Jessica Marabana

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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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Impact sur le terrain : 18