G Général

Rhythm - Rhythm Blue - BoM Layer - Mesh Eyes by VerseEye - Petite Included

Rhythm - Rhythm Blue - BoM Layer - Mesh Eyes by VerseEye - Petite Included

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What better way to express your inner beauty than with true art. SL is about living a life beyond the constraints of reality. You can fly and teleport anywhere you want. Why wear normal and boring eyes?

Express yourself with art.

These beautiful *Mesh* eyes have been created to maximize your look while wearing them.

Petite Eyes are included. They have been tested to work with Yabusaka and Micro Mesh avis. You should be able to just wear these eyes. Small adjustments, while unlikely, might be necessary.

Speak from your soul... express your individuality and uniqueness.


BoM Layer (aka System Eyes)
Mesh Eyes with Resize Script and high quality textures (copy/mod)
Petite Eyes - Two Versions - Normal and Bright (copy/mod)
Alpha layer to mask your ordinary eyes. (copy)
Prim Eye Set (copy/mod)


  • Mesh Eyes
  • Petite Eyes
  • Alpha Mask
  • System Eyes
  • Bakes on Mesh