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Plants Mesh - Collection

Plants Mesh - Collection
Plants Mesh - Collection
1 Avis

Roses Pack - red, yellow and pink

2 sizes and 3 colours = 6 rose plants.

approximately 0.9 meters high

LI = 1 each

Note: LI (prim equivalent) will increase with increasing size

Full perm, including textures

Terms of Service:

Full perm items may be sold as copy or transfer under the following conditions:

1. There needs to be significant changes made. It must look very different to the original item
2. It can be added without changes to your own major work (not just a pot or prim etc.).

My items are not to be sold full perm

My items are not to be sold at less than L$50.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 étoile :
great quality
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 1/10/2013 de Caren Jewell

fair Price - great Prims/Li and wonderful texture
Thank you

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 180

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Mesh Plants
Vendu par : Reid Parkin

Terrain requis

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

Droits :
  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 1