G Général

Script Monitor 1.0.1 (boxed) Version 1.0.2

Script Monitor 1.0.1 (boxed)

Easily monitor the script useage of residents through the region using this simply and lightweight monitoring system.

With a focus on saving prims, the script monitor comes in 5 different version, with maximum agent counts of 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100, with their respective land impacts of just 6, 13, 26, 38 and 51.

The entire system is controlled by just a single, highly optimised scirpt.

Easily change the way names a formatted, with options for showing both names, just the display name or just the username.

Names are sorted in order of script memory, with the addition of a colour indicator that takes both script memory and script time into account, to give a more overall picture.

Configuration options allow you to change the colour threshold for lines and how often the script should update readings.

All objects are provided COPY and MODIFY, scripts supplied COPY only.

Free updates for the life of the product.

For any issues or queries, feel free to drop me a message.

  • Monitor the script usage of residents throughout the region
  • Prim efficient builds with 5 version
  • Controlled via one highly optimised script
  • Change name formatting from both names, display name or username
  • Free updates