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*{ SeVered GarDeN }* Shinsy - M3 Anime Head + Body Kemono

*{ SeVered GarDeN }* Shinsy - M3 Anime Head + Body Kemono

Skin for M3 Anime Mesh Head (by UTILIZATOR)

+ Skin for Kemono Body (by UTILIZATOR)

Shinsy skin come in 3 makeups , Natural , Doll and Smokey.

Eyebrows - Eyelashes - Blush all recolorable inclused!

(eyes: SeVerEyes #2 for Kemono & M3 not inclused, sold separately available here:https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SeVered-GarDeN-SeVerEyes-2-for-KemonoM3/10056430 )

info here: https://severedblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/08/severed-garden-shinsy-m3-anime-head-body-kemono/

Avatars available here:https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44810


Visit the store Inworld to see all creations ^ _ ^

* SEVERED GARDEN * B&B Creations.
(For any question send a NC to Berta Avro or BUBI Bolissima or read our FAQ here:http://severedblog.wordpress.com/faq/)

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Want a Lolita look for your m3 anime head and kemono? You will look adorable!

My look from this skin

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