G Général

Snow & Sky Textures

Snow & Sky Textures

7 Seamless & Tiling textures to use on your land borders or skybox for a winter theme.


Terrain or Floor Snow (matching the:)
- Day snow & sky
- Hazy snow & sky
- Sunset snow & sky
- Evening snow & sky
- Night snow & sky
- Aurora Borealis snow & sky
+ bonus Snow & Alpha sky

Simply drop the Seamless Snow texture on your land or floor-prim and put the Sky texture of your liking on a wall or border prim.

The Snow & Sky textures are tiling and the snow texture is seamless so you can line them up perfectly!

Full Permissions
High Resolution but fast loading
Not for resell as is

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • snow and sky
  • seamless snow textures
  • tiling sky panorama
  • border privacy screen
  • ground floor wall border texture
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Lovely textures for partitions & skyboxes
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 9/2/2021 de Sylvan Mortensen

The aurora & snow texture has been a staple of mine since I purchased this pack around a year and a half ago. For anyone who loves wintry environments, check these textures out.

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just beautiful
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 31/8/2017 de Linfamke

I was amazed by these after spending a fortune trying to make our winter themed platform look right I saw these and thought as many would that's Lindens worth the risk and OMG I am thrilled I have Aurora on the privacy screening I am building right round full sim platform and it looks wonderful not a mismatched bit in sight congratulations to the creators superb job runs to see if there is a forest themed set lol

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