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Silverado Western Boots V-2 Snake Skin

Silverado Western Boots V-2 Snake Skin
Silverado Western Boots V-2 Snake Skin
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Yeehaww..c'mon all you cowboys and cowgirls, git yer boots on and let's git goin' to the square dance tonight. Dang, those boots are lookin' mighty dingy that yer wearin'. Yep, you need a new pair. Look no further, you've found the best pair of Western boots. Yep, these V.2 brand new shiny boots will look great on your feet, when yer swingin' yer pardner around on that dance floor, or ya'll need a pair for workin' in the barn, it's ok, you can git 'em dirty and they'll still wipe up great and back to brand spankin' new condition. These boots are Copyable, so you can make a copy before you resize them to suit your taste. The great thing about these boots is, not only do you get 1-pair of regular high boots, you also get 1-pair of 1/2 boots when ya jest don't wanna stick yer pants inside yer boots, you can wear the 1/2 boots, leave your pants legs down and still look like yer wearing a full boot. If you'd like to see a pair in world, just TP over to my store, Silver's Trading Post at Silver's place@Nicholles Isle, Nicholles Isle. The price is great too! So git yerself a comfortable pair of Western boots today!

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  • Western Boot

L$ 50

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Silver's Trading Post
Silver's Trading Post
Vendu par : Silver Melson

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