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~Soedara~ Victorian Candle Rusty

~Soedara~ Victorian Candle Rusty
~Soedara~ Victorian Candle Rusty
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Light for your RP needs.

Lost in the dark? Need to find your way through a dark Forrest, a badly lit castle with narrow creepy halls. Wandering about your city in the midst of Night?

With these, you no longer shall walk in darkness.

Soedara offers light...

Animates avatar as you wear it. The picture doesn't show it, but the hand that holds the light is balled into a fist.

No cheap lighting. Casts a realistic glow on you and surroundings. To turn the light off, click item.

For more options, see my marketplace or my inworld store.

~ Mesh Copy only ~
My Mesh clothing are NO Mod/No Trans and Yes Copy. Since they are No Trans, no refunds will be given. No exceptions.

~ Modify and Transferable ~
All my products (Except Mesh) are Transferable & Modify so they can easily be offered as a Gift!
Because they are Modify, you can make it so it fits your shape.

~Soedara~ Products are NO COPY.
If you mess it up, RETURN me the item you messed up and I will send you a new one

The sculpts that are inside a pack are often Transfer and Mod but not Copy.

Voir l'article dans Second Life

L$ 50

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Vendu par : Marbella Pronovost

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  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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