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.:{Sofia}:. Georgia Wedding Dress only - White

.:{Sofia}:. Georgia Wedding Dress only - White
.:{Sofia}:. Georgia Wedding Dress only - White

► ♥ .:{Sofia}:. Georgia Wedding Dress ♥

[✔] Included Sizes:
Maitreya / Freya / Hourglass / Legacy / Legacy perky

[✔] Atmospheric Effects
Please try the Free DEMO before purchasing available in store and marketplace
This product is COPY only and does require unpacking (able to wear and unpack)
Read carefully, please:
☛ This Gown dress will look better if you use the alpha HUD of your body preferably hiding the legs and feet.
Because some ao or animations will show your legs and it won't look fancy.

☛ To bring out the lighting details included in the texture of the dress, please activate the atmospheric effects.

If you have any problems with your purchase please contact me. Sometimes the system fails in SL and things go wrong, but I always do my very best to correct these occasional problems
I would very much appreciate it if you leave your feedback in if you are satisfied with the product.
*Before writing a bad review, please send me a notecard so I can solve your problem.
* Please don't forget to leave a 5 STARS ★★★★★ review if you liked this good reviews are helpfull.
If you need further assistance send me a notecard Sofia Corleone
Thank you so much for your purchase. I really appreciate your support ♥

Original Mesh and Textures by SofiaCorleone© All rights reserved - Sofia Corleone Originals

Voir l'article dans Second Life

L$ 750

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Version démo
SOFIA: Larax, GenX, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Maitreya, Erika.
SOFIA: Larax, GenX, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Maitreya, Erika.
Vendu par : Sofia Corleone

Ouverture requise

Vous devez trouver un endroit de Second Life (tel qu'une sandbox) pour ouvrir et utiliser cet article.

Ce produit contient des articles que votre avatar peut porter.

Fonctionne avec les avatars en maillage
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