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[Starries] Wooden Anywhere Sit-N-Spin With Upsies API - Wear me anywhere or Rez and Play! Version 1.0

[Starries] Wooden Anywhere Sit-N-Spin With Upsies API - Wear me anywhere or Rez and Play!

Toddlers and Babies Sit-N-Spin for rezzing or wear for on-the-go spinning action.

Works with Upsies to Sit, Pose Change and Help Baby - both Parents and Baby can buy this product for babies with Upsies!

When Rezzed this object has more poses, works with Upsies and allows two toddlers to sit at once.

When worn you can sit and spin anywhere with auto hide when walking and sitting I magically hide too.

Find a demo in-store and try it for yourself!

Mesh is copy and Modify but contents are no modify.

Voir l'article dans Second Life

L$ 350

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⭐ [Starries] ⭐ Toys, Games and Activities
⭐ [Starries] ⭐ Toys, Games and Activities
Vendu par : Killi Cloud

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cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 2