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T-shirt-v neck-V2 Full Perm

T-shirt-v neck-V2 Full Perm
T-shirt-v neck-V2 Full Perm
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Mesh T-shirt rigged for REBIRTH Eden body

T-shir 3 Breast sizes: Female, Petite, Flat

My texture is full perm sample (you will have to change if selling)
shadow map
UV map
to create your texture.

You can use for themselves, for sale.
before you sell, you have to make your texture, and remove perm: no modify, no transfer.

-not to sell the full perm!!!
-Do not transfer any of the contents (meshes, workers maps )to other people
-before selling, you should put only copy, Not a transfer!
-Do not use as group gift
-You can not use my photo and texture.
-The minimum selling price is 50 L
-If you are using a HUD, then the price should not be lower than 30 lingen per texture. That is, HUD 10 textures, there must be at least 300 linden

You must make your texture, or buy a full perm texture.

I'm giving other people the opportunity to earn Linden, my hard work.
Therefore, be honest, observe my conditions.

I reserve the right to change my TOS if I see mine being used in violation of my policies.

Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy!

L$ 395

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Version démo
STATURA  ❤️ Full Perm Mesh ❤️
STATURA ❤️ Full Perm Mesh ❤️
Vendu par : StaturaKid

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cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

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  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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