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TA Animated Mesh Picnic Blanket Brown Plaid BOXED

TA Animated Mesh Picnic Blanket Brown Plaid BOXED
TA Animated Mesh Picnic Blanket Brown Plaid BOXED
1 Avis

TA Animated Mesh Picnic Blanket Brown Plaid ~ NEW for 2014

Partial MESH so you need the correct viewer.

Includes 12 Female and 12 Male Animations/Poses (All PG) and Picnic Basket. Static and Non-Static.

NOTE: Not all animations are shown in photos.

Blanket is 3 prims.
Basket is 1 prim.

TO USE: There are 2 faint faded stripes on the blanket, PINK and BLUE... Simply sit on your color and a menu will pop up for your selection. Note that the names are made to work together, however variations seem to work ;-)

Simple SINGLE POSE BALL Blankets are available also for lower price.

If you like it Please rate it. If you have any issues please contact me. I take care of my customers. ;-)

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Didn't work, maker never bothered to respond
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 1/7/2022 de Sterling Ronzoni

I rezzed this blanket and tried it out. It didn't work and completely froze up.

I sent a notecard to the maker along with returning the item and requested a replacement, just in case the issue might have been caused by a quirk in the sim I was in.

No response from the maker ever happened.

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L$ 25

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TA Hardware
TA Hardware
Vendu par : msw Tomorrow

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