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~TJ~ Celtic Rugs

~TJ~  Celtic Rugs
~TJ~  Celtic Rugs
1 Avis

Make your own gorgeous Celtic/Irish rugs with these beautiful textures. Ready to add to your prim!
4 rug textures, full perm.

Unless noted, most textures are not over 512X512. Fabrics are seamless, walls tile.
Thanks for taking a look!

Come visit my shop or marketplace for tons more styles of textures! Everything you need for your builds. All textures are full perm. If you have any problems or a delivery issue, just send me an IM in world and I will gladly send them to you.

*You may use this in or out of Second Life, just please do not resell.*

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full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 2/8/2022 de SpiritSparrow Skydancer

They are nice tiles however, I would not consider them rug textures are they are flat and without rug like details. More of a fabric than rug

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L$ 49

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Philomena Steampunk
Philomena Steampunk

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