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~TJ~ Foxes

~TJ~  Foxes
~TJ~  Foxes
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6 simply adorable fox png alphas! These are just perfect for decorations, ads, posters, art...anything you can dream up!

Full perm textures! Everything included that is listed on the ad.
Unless noted, most textures are not over 512X512. Fabrics are seamless, walls tile. Alphas are PNG format and super easy to use for decoration, trim, downloading to your own computer, etc.

Come visit my shop or other listings for many more styles of textures! Everything you need for your builds. If you have any problems or a delivery issue, or are unhappy with your purchase just send me an IM or notecard in world and I will gladly send them to you or make things right.

*You may use this in or out of Second Life, just please do not resell.*

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L$ 69

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Philomena Steampunk
Philomena Steampunk

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