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The Castle Desire ~

The Castle Desire ~

This is an amazing castle. I have made this for both land and sky. The textures are custom & seamless made by myself. So i have added 5 textures in this package to add anything you might like. (exp. walls,windows and arches)

This castle comes packed in a rezzer box with full note card instructions for easy set up and moving to the perfect spot.

The skybox footprint is 105x100. Without the skybox 90x90.

As the drawbridge lowers you will walk into this amazing castle with arches over looking you from the 2nd floor. Look to your left and see circle stair case the winds all the up. Look to your right and down the hallway to the dungeon door. Follow the steps and it will take you underneath the castle behind the waterfall.
The 2nd floor has 2 private rooms with an open sitting area.
The 3rd floor is a large open room for banquets and meetings, (This is also why I have supplied extra textures for anyone who would like to section this room off.)
The 4th floor has a walk in pool area surrounded with arches & vines. An incredible view overlooking the backside of the castle.

I coulld keep going on about this place or you can come see it yourself at Lickity Splits!

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Castle Desire review
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 30/5/2012 de chach Anthony

A wonderful castle that looks as good on he land as it does in the sky, great price for such a large and well put together building

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