This Store

The Coffee Shop 10.5x10.5 Cafe

The Coffee Shop 10.5x10.5 Cafe
The Coffee Shop 10.5x10.5 Cafe
140 Avis

This coffee shop is designed for a corner lot or to stand alone. It seats 20 in the booths - and has a lighting system and detailed restroom. The restroom door does not lock, so be careful not to get caught doing anything unusual in there. Decor includes a Van Gogh and a Rembrandt and some weekly rags, but you can replace all these with your own of course. The detailed seating makes the whole building 110 prims - so you may want to strip it down a bit if you are using it for something else - and it will sit on a 10x10 plot if you knock out the brick corner beams.

It would fit nicely on the same block as The Landromat! and the Hole in the Wall Dive Bar.

Rez a demo model of this and other buildings in-world at my showroom:
Karyn's Construction, Gebirge Atoll (219, 237, 527)

*Note - Building does have modify and copy permissions. Included scripts do not and cause item to show as "no modify", but you can in fact modify it.

Rez-Faux Packaged for easy placement!

View some of my other buildings here on Xstreet

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FIX IT!!!!!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 4/8/2024 de kitty19841984

As of this date 8/4/2024 there is still the issue of once rezzed and de rezzed the product is no longer available... You packaged a no copy item in a faux rezz box... FIX IT.... Also there are no animations at all in the seats or the toilet. Not sure if that was intentional or not but its work-around-able. Good build otherwise but having to constently re buy a copy is a pain in the ass.

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NOT copy, unlike what the permissions say
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 10/8/2017 de BilliAnn Bravin

This would be great--if it were copyable. Even though the permissions say it is, it isn't. I rezzed it to see what it looks like, and when I derezzed it, it was gone. Sure, it's free and I can get another, but it's annoying to find that it's not as advertised.

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KCP Chopper Parts & Scripts
KCP Chopper Parts & Scripts
Vendu par : Karyn Vaher

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Impact sur le terrain : 110