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Tiger Barb School <[[[>< swimming & animated <[[[>< <[[[>< <[[[>< <[[[><

Tiger Barb School <[[[><  swimming & animated <[[[><   <[[[><   <[[[><    <[[[><
Tiger Barb School <[[[><  swimming & animated <[[[><   <[[[><   <[[[><    <[[[><
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A whole new way of making low lag, low prim fish!

They do not just swim around but they are also ANIMATED in themselves. The fins and tails move realistically without having masses of prims. At my store I sell cheaper no copy versions and a lot more marine life too. Please use the SLurl or IM me in-world for a LM. Or type 'aquatic marine superstore' into search.

Please see the short video below for a selection of a few of these really great fish.

Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »
  • superb animated marine fish
  • Beautiful and realistic marine creature
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • nothing to do just rez it!
  • GO SEE IN-WORLD if you can these fish are a new type

L$ 245

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


BambiTwice Nitely

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