** This is a non-transferable demo version **
Do you currently use one of the many Second Life catalog, magazine or book creation systems?
They all let you display your products and flip through the pages.
But do you wish it had more features and more ways to customize it to make your customers' experience better and drive more customers to your store?
- Your customers could click on an item in your catalog and be teleported directly to that item in your store from anywhere on the grid?
- You could put any number of clickable action buttons or icons on any catalog page(s) to give a notecard, landmark, object, profile link, or website URL?
- Your customers could click on an action button or icon on any page to send you an email or get your online status?
-Your customers could click on an action button or icon on any page to join your SL Group or subscribe to your Subscriber Kiosk?
- Your catalog could be organized into categories and subcategories (i.e. multi-level, hierarchical structure)?
- Your customers could click on a category or subcategory and skip directly to that page instead of turning pages one at a time?
- Your customers could minimize or maximize your catalog HUD with a single click so it doesn't block their view?
- You could customize the size, shape and texture of each page of your catalog?
- You could customize the size, shape, quantity and location of action buttons or icons on each page of your catalog?
- You could have an unlimited number of pages in your catalog?
- Your catalog had smart texture pre-loading so your customers don't have to wait for new pages to rez?
- Your catalog creation system let you make copies that you can sell or give away directly to customers?
- You could make and distribute as many different catalogs as you want without having to purchase anything else?
- Your catalog was only one prim?
- You could have all of this for a price competitive with much less capable catalog HUD makers?
If so, then you need the Ultimate Catalog HUD Making Kit. This is a free demo (no-transfer) so you can try before you buy. A version that allows you to make transferable HUDs is available for purchase (see Related Products).
NOTE: The full version includes a Limited Distribution (LD) license that allows you to set the HUD's next owner permissions to copy OR transfer, but not both. You can also purchase an optional Unlimited Distribution (UD) license that allows you to set the next owner permissions to copy AND transfer (license available only from my in-world store). All scripts are no-Mod.
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Create custom catalogs, magazines, newsletters, etc.
- Teleports users directly to your landmarks (grid wide)
- Unprecidented level of customization possible
- Send emails, join Groups, Subscribe to Kiosks,
- Can give LMs, NCs, gifts, web and profile links.