Beautiful victorian writing desk. Fits well with period victorian, streampunk and gothic. The chair is also part of the item. It has built in animations that let you write and ponder. As well as a number of other poses and animations. 7 animations/poses in total. Also you can click the quill pen to get a copy of it to wear as you write.
It also has working draws with space on the shelfs to add and personalise the desk. A fine focal point to any room.
Kaya Design, Kaya Furniture, Period Furniture, Vintage Furniture, Castle Furniture, Medievil Furniture, Modern Furniture, Gothic Furniture, Victorian Furniture, Study Furniture, Bookcase, Books, Chandelier, Lighting, Standard Lamps, Wall Lights, Lamps, Table, Chairs, Beds, Fireplace, Leather Chairs, Sofa, Drinks Cabnet, Cabnet, Victorian Painting, Throne, Free Furniture, Parlour, Dessing Table, Mirror, Globe, Dart Board, Snooker Table, Desk, candelabra, Candel, Shaieslong, Elegant Furniture, Coffee Table, Purple Rose,
Voir l'article dans Second Life- 7 Different desk animation/poses
- Comes with a Quill for writing with.
I love this! Well worth the money. A lot of time and effort has evidently went into making this desk.