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Zuk_Complete Kit 4 x 4 , Full Perm Builders Kit

Zuk_Complete Kit 4 x 4 , Full Perm Builders Kit
Zuk_Complete Kit 4 x 4 , Full Perm Builders Kit
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With Many Requests for a complete ready to script build, Here it is

This is a complete ready to script, Full Perm Kit

29 prim

Build for ease of scripting,

Doors can open separately

Windscreen can be lowered,

Hood can open

Fenders can be recolored,

Seats can be re-textured, dash etc

Complete with Speedo and RPM Gauge, surround can be re colored, or textures changed

Steering wheel

Wheels and tires

Spring assembly seperate to fr and Rr diff housings

Centre console with separate shifter

Bumpers separate

Roll Bar separate

Engine ( small Block)

So many uses this can be used for, redesigned, recolored etc with ease

This can be viewed at my Inworld store with many other full perm Kits, parts, wheels etc , New Lanrover shell released and early ford pick up

This is for ur our creations and must have perms set, not to be resold as full perm or broken into parts, Must NOT be taken off world

Voir l'article dans Second Life
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L$ 699

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Toney's Kustoms
Vendu par : Toney Chiantelle

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cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

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Impact sur le terrain : 29