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demo giver box JfL Brimless hat (Hipster Kufi #2) 6 colors

demo giver box JfL Brimless hat (Hipster Kufi #2) 6 colors
demo giver box JfL Brimless hat (Hipster Kufi #2) 6 colors
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The Brimless hat (Hipster Kufi #2) is a trendy and cool hat. It has detailed textures and is materials enabled. This hat comes in 6 colors. It's a unisex item.

This box contains the Brimless hat (Hipster Kufi #2) 6 demos.

This is a non rigged mesh item. It is copy/no mod/no trans. It has an axis resizer script and you can adjust its position/rotation. ALWAYS TRY A DEMO FIRST.

This item comes in a scripted box: add and touch to unpack, no need to rez the box.

Materials enabled: Will be at its best with a viewer that shows materials, with Advanced lighting checked.

My mesh hats are original items, sold only in my stores.

I take pride in making good products. I model the mesh and texture it myself, I like to give my items a realistic look. If there is any delivery problem, suggestion, question, don't hesitate to contact me inworld. As no transfer = no refund, make sure to try a demo!

If you really like what you bought on Marketplace, please leave a review, it's always appreciated.

The inworld store offers a 25% refund on Full Packs to JfL's own group members wearing their group tag.

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Version intégrale
JfL, by Johnfrancis Laville
JfL, by Johnfrancis Laville
Vendu par : Johnfrancis Laville

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  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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