Scadow realitic Mouth Photo.. Drop ur foto at the front side. Drop the item then choose the image u want and drag it at the surface of the item.. enjoy!
Absolutely amazing!!!
Creator outdid themselves!!!
So superb! Thank you so much for this awesome freebie!!!! :D
Easiest thing in the world! Just drag to the ground, grab your pic from inventory and drag to the photo oo, etc. It goes right in. Right click on wear. Done!
Very nice
Very simple to use...I don't see how others are having issues...but this was extremely simple...rez to ground...drag the uploaded image you downloaded from your texture folder onto the picture itself..and there you go...takes but a second if you already have an image in mind to use...thank you for this nice freebie...simple and fun and can always play the guess who game with a random picture taken from the sim you're on and have a blast....
one of my favorite little freebies! Very nice, easy to mod :)
Mediocre Freebie
In reply to MonaMoaning, if you post something such as that, I feel obligated to disregard your more than probable biased hatred upon this merchant. Instead why not EXPLAIN why you are not satisfied, or settle the dispute in private where it makes you look like less of an idiot.
Now, onto the item itself.
It's a decent quality freebie from DL, to anyone having issues placing your own wanted images on the picture, I suggest looking into the basics of building, and modifying objects and textures in Secondlife instead of rating this merchant unfairly with 2 and 3 stars because of your own inability to modify a simple object in Secondlife.
I don't get why people leave such bad reviews that have little to do with the actual product. This is actually a really nice little freebie! It's super easy to use too; just rez it on the ground, drop whatever image you want on it, and then pick it back up to use. Simple. I love using this in photos, thanks!