G Général

(epia) - Log Cabin [DEMO] Version 1.0

(epia) - Log Cabin [DEMO]

Thank you for your interest in this product of Every Pixel is Art. The Vintage Lounge has several features, which are the following:

♦ Rezzbox - Easily position you building by just rezzing the ''Rezz Box'', and moving it around. The building will follow.
♦ 12 Scripted Doors. - To open these doors, just walk into them. No clicking required.
♦ 4 Exterior Lights. - Toggle-able! Just left click them to turn the light off and on.
♦ Building is fully modifiable! - Because we used light textures on the building, you can change the color in the build menu to almost anything. *However, to avoid issues with the physics, please do not unlink the building.

If you have any questions, you can always contact me.

Verone Potez
C.E.O. of Every Pixel is Art

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Full Mesh, with high quality textures.
  • Easy to place and move with a rezz box. (Rez Faux)
  • Exterior Lights. - Toggle-able! Just left click it to turn it off and on.
  • Scripted Doors. - Either walk into the door to open them.
Note moyenne : étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine demi-étoile
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
worth every penny
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 25/2/2021 de Yesica Bravin

You wont be unhappy with this product at all.

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étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 10/5/2017 de KuroCzarina

It suited perfectly my needs , glad it has a demo that I could try beforehand !

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Thank you
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 3/9/2015 de Barbourte

I'm a fan of your talent) It is true, each pixel is an art) Thank you)

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im not happy
étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide Publié le 25/7/2015 de moonandstars26

nope im not happy hardly no windows and the doors do not fit to the wall probably apaling

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It's so beautiful, but...
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile vide Publié le 11/4/2015 de Rivqa

I can't use it. I was going to upgrade my burlesque house, but it seems impossible to get rid of some of the inner walls without screwing up the rest... A shame. It's very detailed and beautiful.

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Another beautiful build!
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 20/11/2014 de Heydra Starfall

Yet another purchase i am thrilled with! You just cant go wrong with these products! <33333
Highly recommended as always! :D thanks so much for yet another wonderful product xox

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