gate - 4
Gate Perm full 100%
license agreement
By purchasing this product you agree to the following conditions:
You can:
- Modify and use this product as part of their own creations and sell them with the right to copy or transfer.
You are not permitted to:
·· Distribute this product with both copies and permits transmission.
-Raspredelit This product as part of a freebie, or any price below $ 50 l.
- Distribution of the product as it is.
· Distribute or promote this product using our name, logo, packaging or texture.
· Distribute or use the product outside the virtual world of Second Life with the exception of Second Life
Very nice quality!
Better than described. Thanks :D
L$ 249
Ouverture requise
Vous devez trouver un endroit de Second Life (tel qu'une sandbox) pour ouvrir et utiliser cet article.
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- Transférer
- Soumis à licence utilisateur