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[okkbye] Button Nose (OMEGA/TD)

[okkbye] Button Nose (OMEGA/TD)
[okkbye] Button Nose (OMEGA/TD)
4 Avis

Hello and first of all, thank you for your interest in this "okkbye" product. Here you can find some additional info regarding this product.


This pack contains:
1- Four different styles of button nose layers
2- Four different styles of button nose layers merged with freckle options
3- Eight different options total!

OKKBYE cosmetics. est 2012
— All my advertisements have little to no editing, you can be assured that what you see is what you get.
— No refunds will be given unless it's a case of double purchase: send Elisaokkbye a notecard with your Resident.Name and your trasaction #number / transaction history and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that my time in SL is limited.

Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 19/1/2017 de LilPrincessRox

I was beyond excited for this release! It works like a charm as long as you read the included note card!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 19/1/2017 de SamanthaFaye Pancake

yay, thank you so very much for the Button Nose Layer as Omega applier, so we can use em for our tiny bento heads, its perfect, just like the system tattoo ones! Thank you for being awesome and thank you for giving us the cuteness back <3 I love the fact that we can match em to our skin tones i wish i could give more stars than just 5 haha

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L$ 199

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Vendu par : Elisaokkbye

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