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*pm* Roman Incense Burner: Crimson (ADD ME)

*pm* Roman Incense Burner: Crimson (ADD ME)
*pm* Roman Incense Burner: Crimson (ADD ME)

These incense burner sets come in both tall with bowl in stand just the bowl. Also smoke & smokeless versions of each! The smoke versions not only smoke, but the ashes smolder and glow. It's so pretty!

These were used in homes and in temples.

Incense was really important to Romans, some traveling far and wide to get the best. Sometimes it was just dried herbs and flowers, but most time it was a combination of items and oils to make a resin that was lit. The stands were so that the smell would be about nose height at least.

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L$ 295

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Vendu par : sohma Dix

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