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rainnn - Moon Halo - [DEMO] Version 1.0

rainnn - Moon Halo - [DEMO]
rainnn - Moon Halo - [DEMO]
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DEMO - I have placed the single colors in here in 1 version (animated stars, no resizer).

Blood Moon (Red), Full Moon (White), Dark Moon (Purple)

This is an unrigged & unisex Halo for your head based on the moon.
It is copy mod except when scripts are added [eg. resizer]... you can delete the script if you want.

You can adjust the position and the size, there is a version with and without animated stars. It glows in the dark! You can tweak the value of many of the parts of the Halo through the edit menu.

Price will go up soon when I add the Demo.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Unrigged
  • Unisex
  • Copy/Mod
  • Glow in the dark
  • It's a moon behind your head!

L$ 0

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Vendu par : CloverMoss

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empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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