reBourne Prefabs Multiscene skybox v1.1 (BOXED)
This skybox with controler is necessary to play reBounrne Parnoramic Scenepacks. Use this to surround your home. 11 different scen packs are available on the sim and Marketplace.
themes of the available scene packs:
Please visit the rebourne sim to play with the demo of this product inworld and experience the immersive depth of this high quality background player.
Voir l'article dans Second Life- messkybox back ground player
- high quality texturing
- free item
- add your favorite scenes from reBourne
- menu driven, VERY easy to use
Great product to try before spending the lindens to add the scenes
Well developed product to try out on your own sky box. Like that the box shows different size options - Important for me that has a smaller land plot.
Would be nice to see the creator develop snow, fog, rain on their multi scenes available for purchase.
Doesn't really do what I thought it would from the description so I am not sure if I will ever try to use it again. :(