G Général

cherPika - Spirale

cherPika - Spirale

In terms of spirituality, the spiral symbol can represent the path leading from outer consciousness (materialism, external awareness, ego, outward perception) to the inner soul (enlightenment, unseen essence, nirvana, cosmic awareness). Movements between the inner (intuitive, intangible) world and the outer (matter, manifested) world are mapped by the spiraling of archetypal rings; marking the evolution of humankind on both an individual and collective scale.

Moreover, in terms of rebirth or growth, the spiral symbol can represent the consciousness of nature beginning from the core or center and thus expanding outwardly. This is the way of all things, as recognized by most mystics.

Symbolic Implications of the Spiral

Evolution and holistic growth
Letting go, surrender, release
Awareness of the one within the context of the whole
Connectivity and union with deific and cosmic energies
Revolutions of time, stars, planets and the way of natural progress
I particularly like this last "connectivity to the Divine" observation. Indeed, I think ancient Celtic artists used the spiral symbol as a mind-altering creative process in which the act of creating a spiral in their work released their minds into a creative splendor. Perhaps that's why we see them dominate the Celtic world; out of a strong desire to step outside the physical and enter a gossamer domain where dreams and intuition take hold of awareness.

  • full detailled mesh
  • textured
  • chain and symbol are editable separatly