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The Sultry Pixel
The Sultry Pixel
Vendu par : Amoriana
Date d'inscription: 25/6/2012

*The Sultry Pixel*
Distinctive fashion for sumptuous avatars!
Focusing on Maitreya products beginning with nail polish.
100% Original mesh clothing for Maitreya and the V-Tech Chest for Lara coming soon!
Group gifts, gachas & lucky chairs only in-world.
Look for our announcements in our official "The Sultry Pixel" group and in many of your favorite groups including Womenstuff among others.


Because all our products are no trans we cannot offer refunds or exchanges. We will cheerfully replace defective items with proof of purchase. Please send a note card directly to Amoriana with your issue and your transaction info and she will respond as promptly as reality permits. We promise to do our best to solve your difficulty to your complete satisfaction. Thank you for your purchase!

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