Cette boutique
{ wren's nest  }
{ wren's nest }
Vendu par : WrenNoir Cerise
Date d'inscription: 13/1/2009

High Quality Shapes for Bento Mesh Heads and Bodies!

Proportional, curvy, tall, petite, and elegant bodies and gorgeous faces.

Exceptional customer service. You are guaranteed to look like the vendor image.

Custom shapes. Please view picks in WrenNoir Cerise's profile for the cost of this unique service. A custom-made shape that will never be sold is your way of looking extraordinary and unique!

Bento heads supported: Catwa, LeLutka, Genus, Akeruka, LOGO, LAQ & more

Skins: The Skinnery, Glam Affair, Session, LAQ, Deetalez, Insol, Not Found, Stray Dog, Pumec, MoreMore, Izzie's & more
<3 Wren

Bento shapes
Female bento shapes
Male bento shapes


No refunds on double purchases.

No refunds on wrongly purchased items.

Try a demo FIRST!

Please send NC inworld with questions, suggestions, comments to WrenNoir Cerise.

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