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1 Prim Desk with Knobs Old / Grunge / Wooden - 12 Textures *boxed*

1 Prim Desk with Knobs Old / Grunge / Wooden - 12 Textures *boxed*
1 Prim Desk with Knobs Old / Grunge / Wooden - 12 Textures *boxed*
2 レビュー

Thank you for your interest in PrimSavers products. We strive for exquisite quality and extremely low prim count.

We only live twice!

This is a beautifully sculpted 1 Prim Desk. Observe the 3d knobs, doors, beautifully textured grouped on 4 themes, White and Black (both modern) as well as an older style on blue and red. The detail is very god for one prim and the desk renders superbly in low LOD settings.

This item was overdue, and was created to replace my old 1 Prim Desks that were outdated, being one of the first items I ever scuplted. Since then my standards raised quite a bit, so I can't in good conscience, still sell them.

* Modify the size of the desk to best fit your needs as you modify any prim (yes it's a 1 prim item).

The desks allows to change textures by menu, by owner only, 12 individual textures (see picture provided with the box).

Feel free to contact me for other 1 prim miracles or custom work and visit again.

You only live twice

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L$ 200



販売元: Floyd Mistwalker


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