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10 White Callas in Glass Vase (11 prims)

10 White Callas in Glass Vase (11 prims)
10 White Callas in Glass Vase (11 prims)
12 レビュー

Please have a look at new mesh version.
Mesh version includes a script so you can change flower colour via menu.

This calla lilies set is a sculpty prim flower arrangement set.

Each flower is made of 1 sculpted prim and the vase uses 1 prim, hence the set's total is 11 prims. This low prim number will be convenient in many cases.

A resize menu is included. If you prefer a bigger or smaller flower arrangement, touch to open a menu.

Please visit in-world shop; Gumi's Flower Shop. You can see a demo and lots of sculpted flowers. and get free gift.

Sculpted prims can be seen rough as you move away from the prim. This is what is called LOD(level of detail).
These flowers are made with utmost care to diminish LOD problems, but they are subjected to LOD.

Additionally, As stairs or cars or trees or etc are larger than flowers, you might find the LOD problem less with those larger objects than with small flowers. Larger objects are assigned higher LOD because they dominate larger areas of the window than small flowers.
And sculpty clothing, hair, shoes which you wear allow higher LOD than objects which are not linked to you.

For these reason, you might find LOD problems with this small flower.
I strongly recommend to watch demo in-world before you purchase if you have not faced the LOD issue.

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L$ 50



Gumi's Flower Shop   origami
Gumi's Flower Shop origami
販売元: Gumi Yao


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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土地の負荷: 11