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21strom White Birch Trees GREENS - Whispering Wind (animated)

21strom White Birch Trees GREENS - Whispering Wind (animated)
21strom White Birch Trees GREENS - Whispering Wind (animated)
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White Birch Trees is a set of original high quality new mesh trees with wind - smooth and realistic wind effect for every tree.
Make your garden, park or landscape real!

Trees with Whispering Wind are made by original meshes, with highest quality of textures, every color variation include unique texture.
Scripts are low lag, you can use as many trees as you want.
Whispering Wind is smooth animation - see video or trees inworld.

Set includes:
- 3 shapes of tree, every in 3 colors of foliage
- chart of shapes

Prim count/land impact:
[NARROW] - 2 prims for 10m height of tree
[TALL] - 7 prims for 10m height of tree
[TRIPLETS] - 7 prims for 10m height of tree

Trees are low prim even in bigger sizes.
Trees are copy and fully modifiable, script are copy only.

Resizing, linking and unlinking mesh items change the prim count.

See all colors and shapes inworld:

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  • Mesh 100%
  • Low poly - Low prim
  • Animated natural wind
  • Copy
  • Modify

L$ 550



21strom by Zuza Ritt
21strom by Zuza Ritt
販売元: Zuza Ritt


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 2