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25 still poses - "Berlin electricity box" (poses only / no objects) - Pack 0058-0082 - stand - sit - lean -- fullperm

 25 still poses - "Berlin electricity box" (poses only / no objects) - Pack 0058-0082 - stand - sit - lean -- fullperm
 25 still poses - "Berlin electricity box" (poses only / no objects) - Pack 0058-0082 - stand - sit - lean -- fullperm
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Bunch of 25 still poses - "Berlin electricity box" - Pack-0058-0082.

--> No objects / no box here included! Just the 25 pure poses (fullperm) here.

--> I sell the box with all these poses in my shop, too for 89 L$ (see related items).

Made for standard-ava, 1,73m. All uploaded priority-4 with relaxed hands. Can be usefull as basics for a fine-tuning with an additional viewer-poser and Bento-hands.
Comes as pure poses and all arranged in simple poseballs (no other objects - just the poseball-bunch - 25 impact). A texture-pic with poses-overview is included.

Poses are:

0058: Leaning back, legs crossed in front, right arm hanging side.

0059: Leaning back, legs wide, arms in the back.

0060: Leaning right side on right hand, legs crossed.

0061: Leaning in front on ellbows, hands on cheeks.

0062: Standing in a step, fiddeling with right hand on an edge.

0063: Sit on front edge a bit bent, legs dangle, hands clasp front edge at the sides.

0064: Sit on front edge, legs crossed, hands in lap.

0065: Sit on side's corner, hands clasp edges, legs hanging down.

0066: Sit on side's corner, hands clasp edges, holding right leg up, left a bit back.

0067: Sit on side, leaning more back, arms in back, hands clasp edges, right foot on pillar.

0068: Sit on side, left arm back, left hand clasps, right hand on leg, right foot on pillar.

0069: Step up, wide step, right hand on right knee, left arm wide in the back.

0070: Sit on top, arms in the back, hands clasp edges, legs bent, head in neck, looking up.

0071: Sit on top, arms in the back, hands clasp edges, legs bent, head in front, looking down.

0072: Laying and dangling on belly, arms and legs hanging down.

0073: Standing proud on top in victory-pose, legs and arm spread wide.

0074: Jumping down from top, arms outstreched in sides, head looking down.

0075: Leapfrog on pillar or stem / press body up, legs spread wide up at sides.

0076: Leaning a bit kneeing on left hand on pillar.

0077: Kicking pillar with reight foot, arms in the back.

0078: Standing straight attention, legs straight together, arms straight on side.

0079: Crouch, sitting on right knee, left hand on left leg, spraying, holding can right hand.

0080: Stand in a step, spraying, holding can turned around in right hand, looking down.

0081: Sitting slumped, leaning back on a wall, head hanging down, legs spread, right hand ground.

0082: Crouch, leaning with the hands at the sides on box+pillar in front.

Fullperm conditions as usual: No fullperm again, no freebie, don't sell it as it is, must be part of a new object, not to cheap, don't give it away too far.

See pics and try them inworld - TP leads directly to the item / vendor.

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L$ 39



Steffy's special things
販売元: Steffy Lavender


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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