<A-T> Ark Royal *Boxed* v1.1 バージョン 1.1
===============Astral Tek Dido-Class Light Cruiser===============
3D Mesh Artist: Joe Sparrow & StormSpirit Gearbox
Texture Artist: Joe Sparrow
Scripting: Joe Sparrow & Ariesviper Barbecue
Sounds: Obany Wardark
Hud info
<A-T> Dido Class
<A-T> Universal Warship HUD
<A-T> Warship Gunsight
==========Thank you for Buying our Products!==========
We craft our vehicles to the highest quality and have been creating WWII vehicles with 100% original content for over 10 years strong!
All of the scripting within our products is made from the ground up with special attention paid to documented specifications to ensure historically accurate performance. All mesh and texture work is done by hand by members of our team, with no use of prefabricated or free content. Sounds are also custom made for each vehicle to give you a truly immersive experience.
If there are any questions or concerns about this product, please contact Astral-Tek Support.
==========Dido Class Specifications==========
Full Name: Light Cruiser, Dido Class
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Sensor: Naval
HP: 1250
-QF 5.25 in Gun - SMB/CMG
-QF 2 pdr 40 mm AA Guns - LMG
-Torpedo - TRP
===Other Features===
-Particle effects for bow wave, wake and all weapons
-Guest mode
↑&↓ / W&S: Adjusts the Throttle Setting
←&→ / A&D: Controls the Rudder
Left Mouse Button: Fires the QF 5.25in Guns
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim
-When aiming above the horizon, the guns change to a CMG flak mode.
Page Up / E: Fires QF 2 pdr 40 mm AA Guns
-Designed for antiaircraft.
Page Down / C: Fires torpedoes
-Torpedoes are launched from installations on the sides of the ship.
-The launchers cannot fire directly forward or backwards.
-The launchers fire a salvo of three torpedoes.
Clicking the boat will bring up a menu
Flag: Allows the input of a custom flag UUID.
Guest: Toggles Guest Mode. When activated, guest mode allows others to drive the vehicle
The Universal Warship HUD allows for control of the depth charges. The HUD also displays the HP and throttle setting.
Menu: The Menu button on the HUD brings up the ship's menu.
=====Operational Notes====
-There are no chat commands. The vehicle activates VICE upon avatar entry.
-The Naval Sensor System will show all damage as coming from the owner, even in guest mode.
-The Naval Sensor System does not allow for teams to be set.
Interesting vessel
Takes a bit to get used to all of the controls on this coming from the more classic battleships etc.
Really great fun, absolutely love sending out my bomber squadrons, but still need some practice to master this one.
Also, interesting note... this is big enough to land some smaller planes on, an great fun as a challenge with friends, either stationary or moving.