ACC contest board is a, highly customizable Profile picture contest board.
Build using mesh technology it is low prims (9 prims and 10 LI) but allows 40 people to join the contest.
How does the contest work? Once the manager has defined the contest rules he is able to start it. Then 40 joining spots are available. To join the contestant will choose the position he prefers by clicking on it. A menu will pop up with option to join contest. Then the contestant profile picture will be displayed in that spot.
When clicked, already used spots will show the name and number of votes of the contestant in that sport.
To vote, voters only need to click on the picture of the person to vote to. Then a menu will pop up and propose to vote.
At the end of the contest the list of winners will be calculated and paid from the board owner account.
In this version of the board it is free to join the contest and to vote. Payable joining and voting may be added in future versions.
This is super easy to use!
Lots of options are available to define the contest:
- Contest theme
- Any reward values
- Choice of multiple reward split
- Choice of 1, 2 or 3 winners with management of ex-aequo
- Large choice of contest durations
- Contest access to all or private group
- Authorization or not to vote for itself
- Presence on site whole time or end of contest or not mandatory with automatic ejection of contest if away
- Authorization or not to change vote
- Control by manager of contest joining period and voting period
- Option to remind of contest in open chat at chosen frequency
Many options are available during the contest:
- Contest theme as over text above the board
- Information on contest rules at any time for anyone
- Information on current winners at any time for anyone
- Information on number of contestants and total votes for managers
- Display of winners on the board at the end of the contest
- Option to stop and cancel contest at any time
- Option to close the contest before defined duration
- Option for contestants to change their picture
- Display of contestant name and votes next to pictures upon click on picture
- Icons on the board to show if join and vote are open or closed
- Contest results in open chat
- Open chat message to welcome contestant in contest
- Open chat message to congratulate contestant receiving a vote
- IM of contest results to all managers
Board itself includes many customization options available to all defined managers:
- Choice of board color
- Option to display your organization logo
- Option to put board textures in full bright or not
- Option to whisper, say or shout all board announces
- Option to add managers allowed to start and stop contests
- Management of manager budget to control maximum payout (only accessible by owner)
Board specifications are:
- Width 5,2 meters
- Height 4,2 meters
- Depth 0,01 meter
- Prims 9
- LI 10
- Copy/No modify/No transfer
- Scripts are no modify