New in version 1.1: Enhanced and optimized flight suite for effortless control and long-range cruising.
A finely detailed, fully functioning mesh model of the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter as used by the United States Marine Corps. Operable by a single pilot, or crew operation with pilot and gunner. State of the art, 100% original modeling optimized for the Second Life system with advanced scripting, using only 706 kB of region resources - meaning smooth border crossings and no crushing lag.
Brochure with more information:
Second Life の商品を表示- Original mesh model designed for SL
- Low memory use, low script time, no lag
- Highly advanced flight model
Pure realism!
I bought this beauty today after reading the wonderful reviews. This is my 4th helicopter from the Omega concern and obviously I'm a very satisfied customer. Amazed at how clever they are at updating their products to the latest advances in the grid. My first flight went like a dream, hardly noticing any sim crossing lag in my area, Honah Lee. Excellent job!
Amazing Bird!!
The mesh on this model is absolutely amazing. The flight controls are a bit tricky at first, but with some flight time, become easily manageable...... not to mention the payload on this beast!! great buy for the price :D
Another great helo by April
This replicates the same high accuracy in physics and flight characteristics as her previous creation, the WAH-64 Apache. Like the Apache, you will need lots of practice to get used to how this helo handles, and even more so, if you try to use its armament without assistance.
The actual replication of the helo is well represented here, as lots of attention has been paid to detail, and is done so in spades, especialy given that it is 100 percent mesh. Sim crossings I feel are much better than what you would expect from a rotary with a land impact of 166 prims, as April has kept the resource cost very low, just like the Apache.
The sounds for the dual turbine, engaging and powering down, along with all the weapon systems are just fabulous, and being in the cockpit using mouselook you really do feel like you are flying an actual helicopter, the experience must be seen to be believed. Like the Apache, the Viper is meant to be used in said mouselook view, UNLESS you have assistance from someone else using the weapon systems, and even then.. you do not really get a feel for how she is responding quite as well, in a 3rd person camera view, but that may be just me.
Definitely worth the cost IMO, and you can always setup a demo by contacting a member of The Omega Concern. Great job April !! I look forward to your next creation =)
Unbelieveably good!
So I keep hearing about The Omega Concern. More than a few of my friends tell me that the vehicles created by this company are simply amazing, better than any other developer they've seen. I had some extra L$ around and decided I wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. So when I saw that TOC had come out with their new AH-1Z, I went out and bought it.
Aside from how pretty the model is, the first thing that struck me about the product was how realistic the flight was. I started the engine - Displays on the instrument panel burst to life, and I saw the torque readings on my HUD avionics page blink on and start to climb. The rotors began to turn, eventually beating the air hard, dust particles being kicked up around the aircraft and pushed away. The rotors were spinning fast when I finally increased the collective and lifted.
I've played with some other helicopters in SL before, from a lot of famous developers. Most of these somehow feel like they're moving on rails - There's no true physics involvement, see? This one is the first exception I've seen. It moves like the real thing, even taking ground effect, turbulence, and torque into account. Each component - The rotors, each turbine, the fuselage - is individually damageable, and collisions damage the aircraft very realistically. The weapons handle just like the real things are meant to - I've never seen that in Second Life before. All in all, watching the AH-1Z fly gives one the eerie feeling that it somehow doesn't belong in Second Life, so well does it move, and so good does it look. If all TOC stuff is like this, I'm buying more!
Fighter with rotorblades
I have flown multiple aircraft and rotary in SL for over 4 years and I have no problem with the Viper. The blades turn at a reasonable rate and simline crossings work. Even crossing at sim corners I am able to get across. As for lag, that is a natural occurrence in any part of SL, it is not a perfect world. I am able to fly the Blake and get into lag ridden Hollywood airport and also my home base in Honah Lee with no problem. The Viper is meant to have constant attention as do real helicopters. It is an issue of realism being brought into SL that many may seem as difficult. To me I see it as challenge and I have mastered it just like I have mastered all of the OCS weaponry, rotary, and armor. So the question will come around. Who will accept the challenge? If you want something easy look elsewhere, there are plenty that will accommodate. But if you want to get into a machine that has been built from the ground up, and you can show that you can fly above anyone else’s ability. This is the machine to do it in.
I have given it 5 stars for accuracy, detail and damm it dives like a Hawk!
Raising the bar
First we got the AH-64. It had a learnign curve due to the realistic flight model. Challenging but well worth the time spent to learn proper flight mechanics. Then came the WAH-64 which brought meshy goodness to the table as well. Now along comes the Viper! Boasting a weapons suite that includes incredible impacts from the chin mounted cannon, air to air missles for those pesky Apaches, and the solid performing Hellfires and FFAR. Nothing in the air nor on the ground is safe from this predator!
Gorgeous detailing bith inside and out. The HUD you get once you board it mimics the real displays very nicely and doesn't over whelm you with information. Everything you need is one or two clicks and there it is! Check the ammo on the HUD, the missle rack displays show exactly what is hanging on them if you looked out the cockpit.
Flares. Not just for raves! Using them combined with S turns or abrupt altitude changes keeps me alive and above the targets even longer. Only heavy armor and being deep in a building will save you from the chin turret's revenge. And that's when you click on Hellfire.
We all know the wonderful Hellfire from the AH-64 line. Building? No problem. Car? No problem. Tank? No problem. It's the heavy hammer tool of rezoning ;)
The Viper is deadlier than the Apache. It's a lot more nimble too! This bad boy flies like a bantamweight but hits like 5 Mike Tyson's in one package.
Mesh. OCS. Linden Damage. TOC. Solid scripting, incredible eye for detail. This is one deadly piece of aerial art! My hat is off to you for producing such incredible work in SL.
This is how true flight is and should be in SL!