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AUTOMATIC : FBI ID car with your name and pick - Fbi agent badge, police badge

AUTOMATIC : FBI ID car with your name and pick - Fbi agent badge, police badge
AUTOMATIC : FBI ID car with your name and pick - Fbi agent badge, police badge
3 レビュー

Automatic badge !!

Yes, you read well, on this badge, when you wear it, people can see your profile pick and name !

Never seen on SL like this

Ask about customs charges if you need.

Keywords : Police Army Uniform Uniforms Outfit Outfits Cagoule Cagoules police caps police hats army POLICE uniform uniforms uniforme uniformes OUTFIT OUTFITS navy corps fight marines marin combat military militaire pilot Police Uniforms and army Badge Badges Flash light flashlight flash lights Bat Bats Talkie walkie NY CSI Pelopes Uniform operacoes especiales peletao agentes Outfit Police Outfits Police Cap Police Hat Police FBI SWAT SLPD Cops Swat FBI CIA Cop Policeman Policemen policier policiers officer ops officers polizie politie Les experts New york csi ny Zuiker virtual csi Policia Politie Polis Headquarter Headquarters Federal Academy SLPD outfitter outfitters polizei milicia ski mask cowl helicopter police uniforms police woman uniform police woman uniforms policeman uniform policeman uniforms policemen uniforms policemen uniform policia polizei politei police force sl police cop uniform cops uniform cop uniforms cop uniform

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Item is the worst
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2024/06/01 : CatDakota91

You wear the tag and it shows your picture and name but forget about removing it Womt let to detach it So be careful

Buyer Beware
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/11/22 : AramisHammands

No copy, no modify. Picture is squeezed in tightly hard to see and name????? Mine says A Resident, which is not my name. Cannot use it in role play so it was a waste of lindens.

signed Aramis Hammands Resident


L$ 299



Police and Emergency store
販売元: Tupac Redstar


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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