.: AlmaMiranda :. Nun Costume
This is a sexy nun costume.
Includes fitted mesh dresses in 3 stages of strip.
Compatible with:
Slink Physique and Hourglass.
Belleza Venus, Isis and Freya.
Tonic Curvy and Fine.
eBody Curvy & Fine.
High Heels are for:
Slink High.
Belleza High.
Appliers Stocking are compatible with:
Nun Habit.
Try a free 5 minute demo.
For special Gifts, Promos, MM Board, Lucky Chairs and more come to the store inworld.
Link Below.
Second Life の商品を表示An End to Bad "Habits"
This is a nicely textured and really well-put-together costume if you want to do Nun Role Play (You kinky little devils know who you are) or want a good habit for photography.
While it has different strip levels items, it is not hud controlled, so do bear that in mind. But not every clothing manufacturer has a degree in Software Engineering, so learn how to change your damn clothes yourself, people!!!!!
On a demo review, a Catwa head owner raised an issue regarding the top of her head poking through the top of the habit. My advice, look at the hud for your head, and you will see that the top of your head can be alpha'd... so do that.
I give it four stars just cos of the changing thing, but seriously, it is good.
L$ 399
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