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Andirons Rocaille - Silver plated Brass and Black Onyx

Andirons Rocaille - Silver plated Brass and Black Onyx
Andirons Rocaille - Silver plated Brass and Black Onyx
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Andirons (Chenet in French) are devices made of metal, ceramic or marble which support the firewood. They normally stand upon short legs and are usually connected with an upright guard. The guard keeps the logs in the fireplace as they burn and settle.

This Andiron is made in circa 1750, and is incorporating the figures of two mythological deities in their design. They sit on very unusually shaped pedestal on which large shells and acanthus leaves made out of Silver plated Brass are placed.
On the left we have seated figure of the Roman God Vulcan, God of of fire including the fire of volcanoes, deserts, metalworking, and the forge in ancient Roman religion and myth.
On the right we have the Roman God Pan and nymph Syrinx. Pan was the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. In classical Greek mythology, Syrinx was a nymph and a follower of Artemis, known for her chastity. Pursued by the amorous god Pan, she ran to a river's edge and asked for assistance from the river nymphs. In answer, she was transformed into hollow water reeds that made a haunting sound when the god's frustrated breath blew across them. Pan cut the reeds to fashion the first set of pan pipes, which were thenceforth known as syrinx.
Both sculptures are made out of semi-precious stone called Black Onyx.

Fireplace is not included (only there for illustration purpose) and can be found in my shop.

Animated fire is included separately so you can have Andirons and the log with and without a fire.

Each Andiron is built separately, and with a log makes a three part object. You can move each part separately so it can fit your fireplace.

You can adjust the intensity of the shadows beneath the Andirons by selecting the face of the shadow and lowering the transparency to your liking.
Land impact is 2 for the Andirons with a log for every size below the 0.61m of height, and animated fire is 1.
Number of triangles: from 9546
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L$ 350



Maison de Madame Marie
Maison de Madame Marie
販売元: Marie Patrucci


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土地の負荷: 2